Well, you're getting mine within seconds. I'll never know which settings had been causing the problems, but using the DEFAULT command brought my iMac back to its brand new condition. I just saw a command that said something like 'Restore all defaults,' so I chose it thinking that it could do no harm. You will then need to allow the driver to be used by your macOS system. Open the Terminal app from the /Applications/Utilities/. Even better, Onyx fixed the problems even though I had no idea of how to use it. You may see a Failed to connect: Audio error message in Serato software. From: How to Allow Apps from Anywhere in macOS Sierra Gatekeeper. They couldn't help me, either so, having nowhere else to go, I tried Onyx, and not only did those two problems disappear, but also another one that I had resigned myself to. running macOS 11 Big Sur, 10.15 Catalina, 10.14 Mojave and 10.13 High Sierra. I had had a couple of problems that they couldn't help me with, so I called Apple Care. You need the administrator password to copy Audacity to Applications.
Anyway, I used Onyx WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION, and it worked. I had assumed that Apple Support Communities would be against Onyx, because they are against everything that doesn't come from Apple, and they like to argue too much for my taste. To keep up with the pace of business and technology environments, comms executives need to be fast, amazingly efficient, and focused.